Series Description This book series tackles interdisciplinary questions related to the interface between Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis and philosophy with special emphasis on the continental tradition. Looking at the history of psychoanalytic thinking, both Freud and Lacan (the latter more extensively than the former) have used philosophy to elaborate concepts of psychoanalysis. One could consider how the Kantian categorical imperative helps Freud frame the idea of the superego or how he deploys Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. Lacan borrows philosophical ideas from a diverse tradition from the Greeks to 20th century French and German philosophers like Bataille, Heidegger and Wittgenstein. Plato’s idea of love becomes his point of departure for defining psychoanalytic transference as an effect of a subject-supposed-to-know and he adds to Aristotle’s modal logic, a new mode of the impossible to characterise the Real. These borrowings are dialectical and Freud and Lacan often bend philosophical concepts so much so that they are deformed into something different in their thinking and clinical practice. When contemporary philosophers like Žizek and Badiou in turn invoke psychoanalysis, they often make a programmatic philosophical use of psychoanalytic concepts. One could consider how Badiou uses the Lacanian idea of the subject to come up with his own principle of evental subjectivity or how Lacanian theory becomes a political tool for ideological critique in Žizek. Series Editor Arka Chattopadhyay - Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India Tadej Troha - Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia Editorial Board Sigi Jottkandt - University of New South Wales, Australia Justin Clemens - University of Melbourne, Australia Jean-Michel Rabaté - University of Pennsylvania, USA Madhav Prasad - EFLU, India Alenka Zupančič - Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia Henrik Jøker Bjerre - Aalborg University, Denmark Proposals We welcome submissions of proposals for challenging and original works from emerging and established scholars that meet the criteria of our series. We make prompt editorial decisions. Our titles are published in print and e-book editions and are subject to peer review by recognized authorities in the field. Should you wish to send in a proposal for a monograph (mid-length and full-length), edited collection, handbook, course book or essential introductions written by scholars for a general audience, please contact us at:
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