The nineteenth and twentieth centuries have seen the creation of oppressive political systems on a global scale. And with the creation of oppression, resistance towards oppression emerged in various shapes that included the nonviolent resistance of Mahatma Gandhi (Satyagraha), the passive resistance of British Suffragettes and the violent resistance of officers such as Claus Schenck von Stauffenberg who tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Resistance came in many forms. Yet, scholars have struggled to conceptualise and even define resistance. Equally missing is a global survey of instances of resistance (movements, individuals, events, etc.). This handbook series is to fill this gap and to offer volumes on various forms of resistance on a global scale.

Potential volumes: This series would include topical and regional volumes (i.e., resistance to Nazi Germany and resistance in Soviet Russia) as well non-violent resistance (global scale), violent resistance (global scale), passive resistance (global scale) and so on.

Series Editor
Thomas Adam, University of Arkansas, USA

Editorial Board
Mou Banerjee (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Nathan Stoltzfus (Florida State University, USA)

We welcome submissions of proposals for challenging and original works from emerging and established scholars that meet the criteria of our series. We make prompt editorial decisions. Our titles are published in print and e-book editions and are subject to peer review by recognised authorities in the field. Should you wish to send in a proposal, please contact us at:

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