The Anthem Series on Women and Criminal Justice examines the current state of women within the fields of crime, criminology, and social justice. This series aims to provide a contemporary view of the relationship between gender and victimology, law-abiding and law-violating behavior, and employment experiences within agencies of justice. The series primary focus is on the domestic and international experiences of women and their experiences with crime and justice.

Series Editor
Alana Van Gundy – Attorney and Director of Kane Research and Consulting, USA

Editorial Board
Melissa Berry – University of Dayton, USA
Theresa Conover – Miami University, USA
Shauntey James – Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg, USA
Annie Miller – Washburn University, USA
Nancy Poon – University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Brian Chad Starks – BCS Consulting, USA

We welcome submissions of proposals for challenging and original works from emerging and established scholars that meet the criteria of our series. We make prompt editorial decisions. Our titles are published in print and e-book editions and are subject to peer review by recognized authorities in the field. Should you wish to send in a proposal for a monograph (mid-length and full-length), edited collection, handbook or companion, reference or course book, please contact us at:

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