At a moment in history when the democratic prospect is being threatened both from within existing democracies and from outside by powerful nondemocratic state actors, the political sociology of democracy is proving to be a vibrant and expanding field of inquiry. The Anthem Studies in the Political Sociology of Democracy series casts a wide net, seeking manuscripts focusing on both the past and present, case studies and comparative analyses, reports of empirical research and more theoretically focused projects.

Series Editor

Peter Kivisto – Augustana College, USA

Editorial Board

Harry F. Dahms – University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA
Thomas Faist – Bielefeld University, Germany
Pasi Saukkonen - University of Helsinki, Finland
Giuseppe Sciortino – University of Trento, Italy
Richard York – University of Oregon, USA


We welcome the submission of proposals for challenging and original works that meet the criteria of this series. We make prompt editorial decisions. Our titles are published simultaneously in print and ebook editions and are subject to peer review by recognized authorities in the field. We are accepting proposals for monographs, edited collections, scholarly introductions and sourcebooks, and course readers. Anthem Impact provides a vehicle for authors wishing to publish original, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific research at a significantly shorter length than previous publishing models have allowed (20,000-30,000 words). Please contact for more information.

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