The Antipodean Perspectives on Geography Series publishes short, high-impact monographs and carefully curated edited collections showcasing high-quality work in geography, as well as allied disciplines. Emphasising distinctive new developments, the Series both welcomes contributions from Australasian scholars on any topic of geographical significance, and seeks works that focus on the region by scholars from further afield. The Series’ title reflects its origins in Australia and acknowledges the geographical concept of 'Antipodes' as opposing points on Earth's surface. Encouraging exploration of challenging ideas, the Series invites contributions that engage with diverse perspectives, such as Indigenous geographies/coloniser geographies, cosmopolitanism/localism, anthropocentrism/ecocentrism, and development/conservation. This book series is published in partnership with the Royal Geographical Society of South Australia.

Series Editors
Iain Hay, RGSSA/Flinders University

Editorial Board
Alessandro Antonello, Flinders University, Australia
Andrew Beer, University of South Australia, Australia
Andrew Burridge, Macquarie University, Australia
Gareth Butler, Flinders University, Australia
Susan Caldis, Macquarie University, Australia
Beverley Clarke, Flinders University, Australia
Gillian Dooley, Flinders University, Australia
Kevin Dunn, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Alison Greenway, Landcare Research, New Zealand
Heidi Ing, Flinders University, Australia
Kirsten Martinus, University of Western Australia, Australia
Alaric Maude, Flinders University, Australia
Russell Prince, Massey University, New Zealand
Guy Robinson, University of Adelaide, Australia
Udoy Saikia, Flinders University, Australia
Tracey Skelton, University of Otago, New Zealand
Tim Smith, Lincoln University, New Zealand
Amanda Thomas, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Steve Turton, Central Queensland University, Australia
Ilan Wiesel, University of Melbourne, Australia
Catherine Phillips, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

We welcome submissions of proposals for challenging and original works from emerging and established scholars that meet the criteria of our Series. We make prompt editorial decisions. Our titles are published in print and e-book editions and are subject to peer review by recognised authorities in the field. Should you wish to send in a proposal for a monograph (mid-length and full-length), edited collection, handbook, course book or essential introductions written by scholars for a general audience please contact us at:

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