International Scientific Relations

International Scientific Relations

Science, Technology and Innovation in the International System of the 21st Century

By Francisco Del Canto Viterale

Anthem Intercultural Transfer Studies

International Scientific Relations offers a holistic analysis of the role and impact of science, technology, and innovation in the international system of the twenty-first century.

PDF, 278 Pages


August 2021

£25.00, $40.00

EPUB, 278 Pages


August 2021

£25.00, $40.00

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About This Book

The book focuses on the novel and unexplored research area of intersection between science, technology, and innovation; and international affairs. The main objective of this book is to offer an original theoretical, analytical, and methodological framework that provides a wide comprehensive map of the current reality of science, tech, and innovation in the world system at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The book is based on 10 years of research work in the strategic intersection between science, technology, and innovation and international relations, and offers new explanations about three main issues: (1) the role of science, tech and innovation in the current international system, (2) the new configuration of international scientific relations, and (3) the impact and consequences of science, technology, and innovation in the world order of the twenty-first century.

Using an original methodology, the book adopts a systemic approach that uses systems models to offer a very detailed, holistic, and comprehensive analysis. It targets the social and academic interest in topics related to science, technology, and innovation and international affairs. The book addresses the lack of theoretical and methodological approaches that examine this rising phenomenon and provides clear findings and ideas about the main megatrends and impact of science, technology, and innovation in the international system for the next 20 years.


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