Privacy & Cookies
We can be reached via e-mail at or here.
Our web server automatically recognises the domain name of each visitor to our web pages (where possible), but not the e-mail address. It also records user-specific information about what pages visitors access and information volunteered by them, as when subscribing to receive e-mail announcements of the new books. The server log information we collect is used for internal review only—to assist us in improving the design and content of our website.
E-mail addresses of subscribers to our e-mail announcement service are strictly confidential and are not sold, rented, or made available to any outside source. They are only used to update subscribers of new publications in the subject areas they have specified. Subscribers may cancel this service at any time by e-mailing
In the event a customer orders a book directly from Anthem Press, their name and shipping address (only) will be added to our bookbuyer database.
In addition, if and when we implement this functionality, our shopping cart service would give customers the option of saving address and/or credit card information on our server for future reuse so it would not have to be re-entered the next time they place an order. We would not see this information unless an order is submitted and the information would be kept strictly confidential. The shopper's name and credit card information would be automatically purged from the system after one year.