This series is intended to provide a general survey over the major intellectual and political movements that have shaped modern history on a global scale. The modern era differs from previous historical periods in that scholars and politicians have developed specific programs about how the future of society and mankind should be shaped. And these programs turned in many (but not all) cases into political systems. Everyone knows the terms Liberalism, Marxism, Fascism and so on, but few understand the core elements of these -isms because comprehensive books on these topics are simply missing. These handbook volumes will provide easy access to the core theories, their context, the major thinkers, variations/alternative interpretation and movements within this -ism, the realisation of these theories and their critiques.

Potential volumes: Socialism (incl. Marxism), Liberalism, Fascism (incl. Totalitarianism), Conservatism, Cosmopolitanism, Anti-Semitism, Postmodernism, Modernism, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Naturalism

Series Editor
Thomas Adam, University of Arkansas, USA

Editorial Board
Frank Jacob, Nord Universitet, Norway
Jeffrey Smith, Northwestern State University, USA

We welcome submissions of proposals for challenging and original works from emerging and established scholars that meet the criteria of our series. We make prompt editorial decisions. Our titles are published in print and e-book editions and are subject to peer review by recognised authorities in the field. Should you wish to send in a proposal, please contact us at:

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