The Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative (AESI) seeks to push the frontiers of scholarship while simultaneously offering prescriptive and programmatic advice to policymakers and practitioners around the world. The programme publishes research monographs, professional and major reference works, upper-level textbooks and general interest titles. Special initiatives include The Anthem EnviroExperts Review and a variety of book series.

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The Labyrinth of Sustainability

Edited by Daniel C. Esty

£27.50, $35.00  Paperback

January 2019

£70.00, $115.00  Hardback

January 2019

Resolving Land and Energy Conflicts

By Patrick Field, Tushar Kansal, Catherine Morris, Stacie Smith

£70.00, $115.00  Hardback

September 2018

Worst-Case Economics

By Frank Ackerman

£24.99, $29.95  Paperback

September 2018

£39.99, $49.00  Hardback

October 2017

Managing Coral Reefs

By Kelly Heber Dunning

£70.00, $115.00  Hardback

July 2018

Environmental Problem-Solving – A Video-Enhanced Self-Instructional e-Book from MIT

Edited by Lawrence Susskind, Bruno Verdini, Jessica Gordon, Yasmin Zaerpoor

£35.00, $45.00  EPUB

December 2017

£35.00, $45.00  PDF

December 2017

China and Sustainable Development in Latin America

Edited by Rebecca Ray, Kevin Gallagher, Andres López, Cynthia Sanborn

£19.95, $29.95  Paperback

January 2017

£70.00, $115.00  Hardback

January 2017

Water Diplomacy in Action

Edited by Shafiqul Islam & Kaveh Madani

£22.95, $37.95  Paperback

January 2017

£85.00, $140.00  Hardback

January 2017

Bangladesh Confronts Climate Change

By Joseph Hanlon, Manoj Roy, David Hulme

£19.95, $29.95  Paperback

November 2016

£70.00, $115.00  Hardback

November 2016

Managing Climate Risks in Coastal Communities

By Lawrence Susskind, Danya Rumore, Carri Hulet, Patrick Field

£29.99, $39.95  Paperback

September 2015

£90.00, $145.00  Hardback

September 2015

Green Growth, Smart Growth

By Ralf Fücks, Foreword by Anthony Giddens, Translated by Rachel Harland

£22.95, $29.95  Hardback

June 2015

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