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About This Book
In the last thirty to forty years, interdisciplinary scholarship on law has significantly increased. Law has a number of different potential disciplinary bedfellows. It can be seen as a social science but also as part of the humanities. Given how ubiquitous social scientific theories and methods are within legal studies, this collection explores law’s place within the humanities. It examines a number of ‘law and’ interactions in turn with the aim of exploring what these different fields can learn from each other and what this reveals about the law and humanities approach in general.
Law and Humanities provides the first accessible, introductory but critical guide to this emerging area of scholarship. Unlike the existing works that adopt a thematic approach, this is the only edited collection that explores law and humanities field by field. Experts in each ‘law and’ field analyse the nature, development and future of their respective fields, placing this within the law and humanities context for the first time. Each chapter provides a seminal contribution to the respective field while the volume as a whole represents a major work in the development of law and humanities, as well as to interdisciplinary legal studies generally.
‘Law and Humanities names a vast and important area of inquiry that covers many academic disciplines and methodologies. Russell Sandberg and Daniel Newman have done a real service to the field by producing a comprehensive and accessible introduction. They have assembled a distinguished group of contributors and a wonderful collection of essays. I recommend this book highly.’ — Austin Sarat, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence & Political Science, Amherst College
‘Law and Humanities provides a thorough and thoughtful overview of the study of “law and”. Each chapter fills in the blank with a different discipline, thereby introducing readers to the rich array of fields tended by scholars and the techniques they use to cultivate legal insights in unusual terrain. In the end, as the book shows, when the borders between them are suspended, both law and the humanities are transformed.’ — Jennifer L. Culbert, Associate Professor, Political Science, Johns Hopkins University
Author Information
Daniel Newman is Reader in Law at Cardiff University. His research focuses on access to justice.
Russell Sandberg is Professor of Law at Cardiff University. His research interrogates the interaction between law and humanities, with particular reference to law and religion and legal history.
Anthem Law and Society Series
Table of Contents
Preface; List of Contributors; One Introducing Law and Humanities, Daniel Newman and Russell Sandberg; Two Law and Archaeology, Emma Nottingham; Three Law and Comics/Graphic Justice, Angus Nurse; Four Law and Film, Steve Greenfield, Guy Osborn and Peter Robson; Five Law and Geography, Cristy Clark and John Page; Six Law and History, Russell Sandberg; Seven Law and Literature, Ian Ward; Eight Law and Philosophy, Daniel Newman; Nine Law and Popular Music, Robbie Sykes and Kieran Tranter; Ten Law and Religion, Russell Sandberg; Eleven Law and Television; Jennifer L. Schulz; Twelve Law and Theatre, Barbara Hughes-Moore; Thirteen Law and Theology, Norman Doe; Fourteen Law and Video Games, Ashley Pearson Fifteen Conclusion: Subverting the Law and Humanities Canon, Sara Ramshaw; Index
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