Georges Braque’s Post-Cubism Masterpieces

Georges Braque’s Post-Cubism Masterpieces

The Régis Krampf Collection

By Régis Krampf

The book features a group of 32 works by Georges Braque made after his cubist period. They are accompanied by new texts on the subject by Professor Frederic Montegu. All the works illustrated were painted between 1920 and 1960. It showcases the vision of a collector focusing on one of the artist’s most prolific periods. It is a promotional and educational publication.

EPUB, 150 Pages


November 2024

£39.99, $59.99

PDF, 150 Pages


November 2024

£39.99, $59.99

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About This Book

“Taste, guts and money” are the founding pillars of an art dealer’s life. Regis Krampf has been following his passion from an early age and gradually built a collection following his taste and intuition. One of the artists most represented in his collection is Georges Braque. Although Krampf owns artworks outside the mentioned period and by other artists, this book is only about Georges Braque’s body of work made after cubism until his time of death in 1963.

Georges Braque was a genius of the 20th-century art scene. He pioneered the fauve movement and invented cubism with Picasso. The period this book focuses on is roughly situated between 1920 and 1960. After a near death experience on the battlefields of WWI, Braque focused on his techniques and inspirations away from affiliations or artist groups. Somehow, he was one of the first artists to kill the idea of an artistic movement following his scientific and artistic discoveries.

Georges Braque was an artisan, following the hands-on approach of his father and grandfather who were house painters. The texture – the surfaces he created – echoed the intricacies found in nature’s own handiwork. He would often take his paintings on his usual, interminable bicycle rides and place them directly in nature to observe how they would hold against it.

Braque is one of the innovators of Modern painting. The body of work in this important period has long been overlooked. Krampf aims to correct this mistake and give a broader understanding of his work.


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Author Information

Regis Krampf is an art dealer. He has had galleries in New York City and in Istanbul, Turkey. He is a specialist of Asian contemporary art, French impressionism and the art market in general. He has curated 100+ shows and participated in over 50+ art fairs. He resides in New York, USA.


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Table of Contents

Régis Krampf Introduction; Georges Braque and Modernity, On Nature Morte à la Serviette (nappe blanche), Frédéric Montégu; Georges Braque, Nature Morte à la Serviette (nappe blanche), 1926; Georges Braque, Poire, Pomme et Couteau, 1924; Georges Braque, Nu Allongé, 1924; Georges Braque, Pomme et Banane, 1926; Georges Braque, Baigneuse (sur les galets), 1929; Georges Braque, Baigneuse II, 1930–1931; Georges Braque, Les Rougets, 1937; Georges Braque, Fruits et Pichet (raisins), 1941; Georges Braque, Compotier, Pain et Verre, 1941; Georges Braque, Le Plat de Fruits, 1941; Georges Braque, Les Capucins, 1941–1943; Georges Braque, Nature Morte aux Fruits et Fourchette, 1942; Georges Braque, Théière et Serviette, 1942; Georges Braque, Vase et Fruits, 1942; Georges Braque, Nature Morte à la Cuvette (fond jaune), 1944; Georges Braque, Assiette et Grappe de Raisin (assiette jaune), 1959; Georges Braque, Le Pichet Bleu, 1944; Georges Braque, Oiseau et Feuillage, 1956; Georges Braque, Pot et Langouste, 1960; Georges Braque, Les Roses, 1953; Georges Braque, Les Deux Poissons, 1949; Georges Braque, L’As de Trèfle, 1948; Georges Braque, Le Pichet Vert, 1943–1955; Georges Braque, Verre, Pommes et Fourchette, 1941; Georges Braque, Le Citron, 1934; Georges Braque, Nature Morte, 1932–1935; Georges Braque, La Barque, 1938; Georges Braque, Femme Nue, 1930; Georges Braque, I.O., 1954; Georges Braque, Le Char (conductrice III), 1934; Georges Braque, I.O. Conductrice II, 1934; Georges Braque, Verre et Compotier, 1931


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