The Regional and Area Studies programme offer groundbreaking scholarship across a variety of academic disciplines, providing key insights into the historical, cultural, social, political and economic dynamics of a number of the world’s most important geopolitical regions. Titles in this programme are simultaneously historical and contemporary in focus. This programme includes a variety of book series.

Anthem Impact provides a vehicle for authors wishing to publish original, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific research at a significantly shorter length than previous publishing models have allowed (20,000-30,000 words). Expertly written by recognized authorities and regularly updated, these reference titles offer researchers, graduate students and practitioners in-depth, high-level research and the latest thinking on a range of specialized topics across a variety of subject areas. Available in both digital and print formats, titles include critical, concise and lucid surveys of the current state of research, advanced introductions on emerging subjects and/or original, cutting edge insights into frontier topics.  

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Kashmir and Sindh

By Suranjan Das

£16.99, $27.50  Paperback

August 2001

£70.00, $115.00  Hardback

August 2001

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